NC Homeowners Alliance - Fighting for Homeowners

NC Homeowners Alliance - Fighting for Homeowners

The North Carolina Homeowners Alliance is the only statewide organization fighting for homeowners at the General Assembly. Our top priority is ensuring that state policies help homeowners protect the value of their homes.

NC Homeowners Alliance logoThe Alliance connects homeowners directly with elected officials at critical moments. We have successfully fought unnecessary rate increases for property insurance, and we have worked to pass legislation that is good for homeowners.

You can get involved by learning more about our issues, updating your information for advocacy mobilizations, or even attending one of our events.

Resources for Local Associations

The NC Homeowners Alliance is proud to offer resources to our local associations. These resources allow local associations to create consumer advocacy activities in their communities that advance wise public policies that strengthen the real estate market, promote property ownership, and build strong communities leading to a healthy economy. Contact Katharine Wendt for more information.

Local associations can request Alliance support on local issues, including:

  • Zoning or city planning actions that impact home values
  • Local legislative appropriations or other local bills
  • Bond referenda for local and economic development
  • City or county funding for housing, transportation, or parks (general fund)
  • Local planning for specific parks or road construction and improvement
  • Association events focused on homeownership, homeowner education or community engagement
  • Association town halls with local elected officials (apply towards your association’s core standards)
  • Housing studies

Who to Contact

Katharine Wendt

Director of Political Operations

(919) 573-0988 x388
  • NC Homeowners Alliance
  • State Political Coordinators (SPCs)
  • Issues Mobilization
  • Neighbors Helping North Carolina

Get Updates

The North Carolina Homeowners Alliance has several core issues that are important to both the finances and quality of life for homeowners. Throughout the year, we keep homeowners updated through our newsletter and on social media. This is an entirely free program – it’ll never cost anything to join and the Alliance will never ask for a donation. We, all the homeowners of North Carolina, need you to add your voice to the conversation of what is appropriate and fair to all homeowners.

Action Center