Legal Q&A Topic: Contract Law
- What if one member of an LLC does not want to sell?
- Can a contract that has been terminated be brought back to life?
- What do buyers and sellers need to consider when apportioning due diligence fees and earnest money deposits?
- What are the buyer’s options when the seller removes a broken built-in appliance?
- Negotiating the amendment of a contract
- Legal Quiz: Popular Q&As (May 2022)
- Is there a standard form for assigning a contract?
- Can an addendum be part of a contract if it’s not submitted with the offer?
- Legal Quiz: Top Legal Hotline Questions of 2021 (February 2022)
- What is the best way to withdraw an offer?
- Legal Quiz: Will’s All-Time Top Ten Questions
- Legal Quiz: Popular Q&As (August 2021)
- Contract Formation and the Mirror-Image Rule
- Is there a binding contract if the Settlement Date is left blank?
- How does the discovery of a right of first refusal affect a contract?
- Legal Quiz: Popular Q&As (August 2020)
- If a buyer indicates he won’t close, when can a seller terminate the contract?
- Legal Quiz: Popular Q&As (May 2020)
- What should I do with a letter of intent?
- Can parties reinstate a terminated contract?
- Can a strikethrough in Form 2-T make the contract contingent on the buyer’s obtaining a loan?
- What happens to a contract after the 14-day delay period has passed?
- Is the contract effective if a termination form and an extension request arrive in the same email?
- Must changes to an offer always be initialed and dated?