Legal Q&A Topic: Disclosure
- Discovery and Disclosure of Built-Upon Area
- Do buyer agents have a duty to disclose material facts in an inspection report?
- Broker’s Duty to Take “Reasonable Steps” to Disclose Material Facts
- Can buyer agents rely on a listing agent’s representations?
- Are heirs required to sign the customary disclosure statements?
- Are there guidelines for where and when a material fact must be disclosed?
- Duty of Good Faith and Disclosure of Material Facts
- What is a seller’s duty to amend a Residential Property and Owners’ Association Disclosure Statement?
- May I include unpermitted space in the advertised total square footage?
- Legal Quiz: Top 10 Legal Hotline Questions of 2022
- Can a seller check “No Representation” if they have actual knowledge of a problem?
- Legal Quiz: Popular Q&As (November 2022)
- Does unpermitted space count as heated square footage?
- What is radon and what should brokers do to protect their clients?
- What are an agent’s disclosure obligations after a transaction is terminated?
- What are a listing agent’s duties relating to the Residential Property Disclosure Statement?
- Do brokers have a duty to disclose material facts to a buyer’s lender?
- Legal Quiz: Will’s All-Time Top Ten Questions
- Legal Quiz: Popular Q&As (August 2021)
- Duty to Review Inspection Reports
- Does a listing agent have to disclose prior low appraisals?
- Do I have to disclose that my seller’s neighbor is mad at him?
- Is criminal activity at or near a listed or managed property a material fact that agents must disclose?
- Must a dual agent disclose the buyer’s intended use of the property?